I like to write a lot of custom code, and most of the time it serves a purpose. This past week found a bug where this backfired a little bit.
For a recent project, we are using Selective Better Exposed Filters module to help reduce the amount of options on a filters for a view. We also have a bit of custom code for Authors to set a predefined value for one of the fields, and this is where we were adding in a bit of custom code to create that pre-selected option. Yes, it could have been done with a view reference and a contextual reference, but that is so clunky in the admin experience. If I had done it this way, the bug would not have existed.
What happens is, the module creates a new view for every filter it is filtering. If you do any custom code changes to the main view, you also have to do it to the views that selective_better_exposed_
So to fix the bug, the only good way seemed to be setting a global variable. Which isn't optimal, but no more bug.
function harvardgse_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
// Custom view shenanigans to set filters.
$args = &drupal_static('PPE_custom_presets', []);
$args["port"][$tid] = $tid;
Then in s module file:
* Implement hook_views_pre_build().
function hgse_utility_views_pre_view(ViewExecutable $view, $display_id, array &$args) {
// Target PPE Finder.
// On the assumption selective_better_exposed_filters module always sets its views Items per page to 0.
if ($view->id() == "ppe_program_finder" && $display_id == "finder" && $view->getItemsPerPage() == 0) {
// Check static variables presets.
$presets = drupal_static('PPE_custom_presets');
if ($presets) {
$input = $view->getExposedInput();
$input += $presets;
So far its working.