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Drupal (And Maybe Wordpress) Site Content with Airtable

A talk given at CMS Philly 2020

Airtable is a powerful app that takes content creation to the next level allowing content creation and collaboration for most projects. At Bluecadet, our Content teams have fully embraced Airtable but how do we get the content into the CMS without hours of copy/pasting?

Airtable integration has enabled us to get more content into our CMS faster and earlier in the build, so we can identify content issues in both the back and front ends sooner. We will discuss our approach to how we handle continual syncing of content from Airtable as it is being updated and edited by our Content team and the Client before the CMS is ready. We will also cover a few gotchas and our lessons learned around migrations, paragraphs, media and more.

Watch the full talk:

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